I'm exhausted from living in a world where people are judged so harshly because of what they look like. Some of the most beautiful people are ugly on the inside-yet valued so highly by the public. Others, by the "worlds" standards may be overlooked, missed, looked down on...but are so incredibly beautiful- the only kind of beauty that really matters.
Before my first date with Mr. Badger I was incredibly worried, maybe even obsessed with my weight and appearance. James, without knowing helped save me from that incredibly shallow place I was in. He cared more about what was on the inside than out and my healing naturally began. I know he thought I was cute...or whatever and I definitely thought he was the most gorgeous thing I'd ever seen, but our relationship was anything but superficial from day one. My Mr. Right combined with a great book my friend Miranda recommended called "The 10 Step No Diet Fitness Plan" (look for it on Amazon for a penny plus shipping) flipped a switch in my brain and I have been free from diets, crazy work-outs and a sick obsession with weight ever since. I am lucky to live with a man who really loves me-for-me. If I was burned, he'd still love me, if I was crippled, he'd still love ME, we'd be as happy together as we are now. He loves all that is ME for that I sleep well at night (unless I'm in the hospital with Lu). :)
I promised myself a long time ago I wouldn't have children until my demons with body image were won. Jonah came a bit earlier than we planned for (years earlier, to be exact) but I was grateful/relieved that he was a boy. I didn't want a little girl until I could be the example I wanted to be. I wanted to teach her by how I lived, what kind of beauty to be her priority. And well before we tried getting pregnant again- I felt more than ready.
Not to say I don't enjoy shopping, a pedicure or a bottle of self tanner (I'm way pasty without it) but how I look is NOT a top priority of mine anymore and I hope it wont be hers, EVER. It is self defeating, shallow and depressing because when that is what's most important in ones life, you'll never feel "good" enough. Striving for perfection is impossible and all consuming. It is a disease.
I lived it for a time.
Of course all Mums think their children are beautiful, they should and I do. They are. London's...eyes, that hair, her million dollar gummy smile-all so delicious, but without a good heart which I know she has- it means absolutely nothing. I will praise her for being sweet, being smart, being funny...not for being beautiful. I want her to be a girl, a woman of substance.
I believe in Heaven. And I know it will not matter one bit there what we looked like on Earth-we will be seen for our hearts, our inner beauty and it will be what we did with our lives on Earth that will make us "beautiful" in others eyes, God's most importantly.
I will not buy magazines printing about someones weight loss or another persons weight gain, best/worst beach bodies, crash diets, how the celebrities did it etc. etc. I will not give that my money, my time or my attention. London will not ever hear me complain about weight or wrinkles. She will see me respect and admire those who act decently, treat others kindly and serve without expecting anything in return.
I feel more confident when my focus is on my inner beauty, what I'm doing with my life-and not what I look like. We live in a scary world and if a Mum isn't setting a healthy example for her children (boys too), who will? A BIG thanks to my own Mum for not ever letting me hear her say she was "fat" or complain about her appearance when I was young and so easily influenced. She does complain now and I get mad at her. She is crazy beautiful inside and out. She's the best woman I know. I pray LuLu will be beautiful from the inside out...
alpha-1, liver mum
Thank you Liz. You are amazing. I hope to one day to not care so much. I tell myself I am fine the way I am. Hopefully I will start believing it. You and James are the most genuinely kind and accepting people I know. You are my inspiration for many things. Thank you for your friendship. Give Lu hugs and kisses from me. Love you.
This is exactly what I needed to hear today. I need to get to that point in my life where I am happy with myself and what's on the inside not focusing on the outside. Thank you for the reminder! You are such a great person.
If we could all be as inocent as children when it comes to our bodies...when was the last time any of us ran around the house half naked and not cared who saw, let alone took a picture.
When Halle made that crazy flower for Lulu my first thought was to take it apart and make it match, but she put it together with so much love that I decided that it was perfect. It really is the thought that counts.
Thanks for sharing so much of yourself with all of us.
Great post, I hope that I can also learn to live this way and pass this on to my daughter!
Funny thing is my son and I were talking about him not liking to take off his shirt because he doesn't like the look of his body.....hello he is 5 were in the world did he come up with this.
I may end up reading your post to him one day!
Thank you for posting this. It really hits home to me and states EXACTLY how I feel. My mother has had issues about outer beauty since I can remember, and I refuse to pass that on to my girls. Thank you.
Would you mind if I decided to link you on my blog for this post? It's great.
Great post, Liz! You've always been a beauty inside and out!
Echoing you on all counts my dear ... couldn't agree w/you more :) Tks so much for stopping by to visit w/me; and yes, I originally found your lovely family from Nanette over at Freda's Hive! I was thrilled to hear that she made your precious LuLu a quilt! It's a small world indeed. Hope it's a good day at your house! God Bless :)
Thank you! I think I came across your blog through a friend of a friends... Just browsing and found your blog and enjoyed reading about your amazing family.
I often look in the mirror and wish desperately I had my high school athletic body. I know I have gained alot of weight since then and have actually had people tell me that who havent seen me in awhile, but I still have the same spirit and heart I have always had and although my outsides doesnt always match what I feel inside I still feel like "ME" somedays are harder than others but I will always surround myself by people and things that remind me I am "ME". We are both very blessed women to have the hubbys we do. They felll in love with our heart and soul and that kind of love will never change due to a few pounds, wrinkles, zits, gray hairs or whatever else may come our way. Your kiddos will be truly blessed learning that way of thinking from you!! Your such a great example!!
Thanks for sharing that Liz! That really comforted me because I have been struggling a lot lately with self image, since after having a baby, you don't feel like you. This article really touched me!
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