Tuesday, May 10, 2011

My Mothers Day Gift

While at my Mom's house on Mother's Day we came across this picture of London. It hurts to look at. Her tummy was so swollen and uncomfortable from hypertension and would later have to be drained with a needle on several occassions. She wouldn't eat anything orally when it was this big which would make for a lot of super-foods going down her tube-which she would inevitably throw up. She use to throw up all day long. The worst was finding her asleep in it during the night or morning unknown to us.

Her arm is all bandaged up like it was for months and months because of her PICC line which would give her the nutrients directly into her blood stream to keep her nourished since she wasn't keeping her food down, nor absorbing food properly because of the damage already caused to her liver. We could never get that arm wet, which made baths a little complicated and not so much fun. After her transplant it was removed and a central line was put in which is essentially the same thing but closer to her heart, again making bath time (sponge time) hard and potentially dangerous to her. I'll never forget the first time I was able to shower with her after she had no more lines- it was one of the greatest, most special moments of my life. I'll never forget her little body clinging to me like a baby monkey, enjoying being soaked and sprayed. I cried, she laughed.

Seeing this picture and being reminded of what life use to be like, something I easily forget- felt like the best gift I could have been given on Mothers Day. I was made to remember that every day with her (and Jones) is the greatest blessing on Earth.



Anonymous said...

As I recall this picture was taken on her first birthday after she spent the entire day at PCMC, which included an abdominal tap by the radiologist.
so..it was probably a little fuller before the tap. So grateful she is developing normally and is showing incredible talent for talking, singing, dancing, running, sliding, climbing, jumping,eating and just being a charming princess all the time. Love to London and all that made this bad belly go away...especially Ashley and her family. Grandma Barnum

Ang said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ang said...

I hate how you just cant edit comments, hence my reason for deleting the above:)

Anywhoo, just wanted to say how different today looks for you than the past two mothers days! She has come so far, and that smile is priceless, even in such a state of pain and uncomfortableness (is that a word??) You are doing an amazing job as a mom to her. I am sure you are conflicted with emotions consistently as you realize what you all have made it through.

Thank you so much for the kindness and gifts you have shown to us. Liv actually took the pillow pet into the OR this last time. And the balls were the perfect gift for a kiddo, oh so tired of it all, to throw around the room. Great therapy!!

Happy mothers day, a little late!!

Kristin said...

This brought tears to my eyes! Truly priceless!!! I am so grateful for the tube-free, monitor-free months we got with Lucas before his passing. What a blessing and miracle the little babes are. I'm grateful for my new little one and that she is healthy and doesn't have to endure any of that medical paraphernalia!


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