Saturday, May 1, 2010

Wee Harmonee

This love isn't thriving as we all hoped she would. Her condition has continued to diminish over this last week in the PICU. She's been in multiple organ failure. Besides her liver and kidneys her heart and lungs have also suffered. Harm has been on dialysis for a few days. She survived an emergency surgery last night in hopes it would send her in the right direction. She is very sick. The night was steady but this morning she couldn't keep her blood pressure up. Mum and Dad would love a miracle...but are also preparing for the worst with wee Harmonee.
Today her Mum and Dad signed a DNR as well as papers for her to be an organ donor of any viable organs. They hope her heart, lungs and pancreas will be healthy enough to give to another. If we lose one of our "liver kids" to Biliary Atresia, these parents are so loving & willing to give a "heart kid", "lung kid", "pancreas kid"......another shot at life--the same shot London got, the same one we're hoping Harmonee will have. Organ donation is giving them some peace right now.
Harmonee has been in the same room our donor Ashley was in. I pray Ashley will be close by today. I pray for miracles, please do to.
alpha1, liver mum


Anonymous said...

I am so full of emotions right now sitting in front of the computer. I can't stop crying for some reason. My heart, thoughts, prayers everything go out to this family and their sweet sweet baby girl. I am praying for the miracle that Miss Harmonee needs.

So much love

Erica said...

I have been following Harmonee's blog and this is not the update I was hoping to see. It makes me so sad to see another liver baby suffer. Though I am humbled to see that her parents have chosen to make the best of this awful situation.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

I am so sorry to hear this news. I will continue to pray for Gods miracle.

Carrie and Nathan said...

What a sweet angel baby! We will pray for little Harmonee and her family. It is so hard to see pictures of her struggle, I cannot even imagine what her brave parents are going through.

lily boot said...

My heart is filled with sadness and love for this wee girl this morning. I am praying that her little body can find peace and comfort and that her dear parents, that they find some solace in the loving support of those close to them and that they continue to find what little goodness there is in this horrible situation. A miracle would be indeed a wonderful thing. Peace little Harmonee, you are a dear and deserving child.

allieb said...

Oh my gosh this breaks my heart. Hoping & praying for a miracle for Harmonee and her family.

Candace said...

I am praying for them. Hoping for a miracle.

Cydnee said...

Give a hug to her parents from me. What an angel!

TPoirot said...

Praying Hoping Wishing for a Miracle.

The Hunters! said...

Wow! Lizzie! Why? It is so hard to find reason in these things! I am so heartbroken for this beautiful brave little Angel & her parents & of course all who love her! I will pray for a miracle for her & for her parents!! I wish that everyone could be as lucky as you and I have turned out! God Bless!


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