Thursday, January 21, 2010

See you later Alligator 7:30 AM


Riding her horse! Giddy up!

Last smile-for-awhile
Dr. Meyers, pre-scrubbed.

Mom, pre-teeth brushed- for real. Gross.

I sent Lulu into surgery again this morning. This time with so much comfort and peace. She had her woobie that was made by a lovely neighbor of mine as well as a horse stuffed animal that she has REALLY taken a liking to. We'll call her Cookie. She loved it so much that when I gave it to her yesterday her attentive nurse Beau rushed into the room to make sure she was okay as he had seen a major spike in her heart rate for a moment. We discovered it's just because she loves horses.

Lulu and I chatted for a bit in the OR waiting room. I sang her goofy songs about having a happy liver. I have a very bad voice, she's the only one that doesn't mind it. Jonah politely asks me to stop singing to him.

We got more serious and I assured her that Angels would be with her when I had to leave her side. Her Head Angel leading the others. I told her Pa and Georgie would be around as well as her other "Greats." Our dear friends Bridger, Kate, Den-boy and cousin Carly would be hovering too. Sophie Peanut and Sadie Lady running a muck below her gurney. Those are our barking Angels. They will all be surrounding her all making it easier for her and me.
and waaa-laaa, like magic. We are done. Dr. Meyers has waved her wand. She just came out to tell me everything was PERFECT. That's not a word I hear often. She was glowing when she was telling me. They were able to completely close her, (VICTORY is OURS!) place her broviack (sp?) which is just like her PICC but placed in a different vein on her chest as well as a new line on the other side of her neck.
She said her liver is so soft, pink and beautiful.( i don't know if she actually said beautiful to me, but that is what I heard) Usually they would do a biopsy of the liver at this point but she opted not to because of the sheer visual perfection of it. She also said she has a "happy liver"! Sigh, my song must have helped..
A very happy Liver MuM


Erica said...

Wonderful news! I am glad to hear all went well and she is completely closed.

Erica said...

Oh and don't worry my boys have asked me to stop singing on more than one occasion as well. :)

Ally Christensen said...

Yea! So glad it went well. Lulu loving horses makes me want to do another piece for her :)

TPoirot said...

So glad to hear ALL the great news this morning~ I hope everything can stay as "perfect" as possible during her speedy recovery...Amen! hip-hip hooray to PINK!

Carrie and Nathan said...

That's great news! We couldn't be happier for y'all! I love the way you write, Liz. Thank you for sharing your journey with us! God bless her little PINK liver! ;)

Annie said...

HOORAY!!!!!! Perfect, pink, happy liver!! So happy to have good news. I loved your sweet Mommy moment with Lu- the silly songs, the reassuring words, the angels. What a gift you are. Good luck with the recovery. I hope they can manage the pain ok. xoxo

allieb said...

Awe, I'm soooo glad her liver is happy : ) And you are just the cutest, best mom in the world! Don't feel bad, I have a terrible voice too...I'm sure it won't be long before little miss k asks me to stop singing to her!

Trent and Brooke Starr said...

HOORAY! Lizzie, you are the cutest! I am so glad this gorgeous little angel has such an awesome "mum" :). My girls continue to hound me for updates and they pray for her in every prayer they say (dinner, bed, even at big family events) "Please bless baby LuLu." We will keep her in our thoughts and prayers.

Liz said...

WAHOO!!! One more big V for Lulu...With many more to come. We are your forever should hear some of the cheers my girls have come up with.

me said...

so happy for you! i have a horrible voice and ro asked me to stop too, oh well;) im so happy its one more step closer to being home with her family!

Anonymous said...

That is such good news to hear. I am so happy for you and your family.

Julia said...

So glad to hear they could close her up completely and that her liver is healthy. Look at LuLu refusing to make eye contact with Dr. Meyers!! I noticed in the pictures with you and James in the post below, she couldn't take her eyes off of you!! LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!

Margaça said...

Pink liver! Amazing, isn´t it?
Lulu is a brave soul!

And this is one more day in a new life, without liver disease!



Karin said...

Amazing! I've been amazed following the last little bit of Lulu's journey.
Wishing you the best, Karin Smith

Lacey said...

Liz I am so happy that I got to meet you at Ashley's funeral. Our entire family was so grateful that you were there. I am praying everyday for you, James, Jonah, and little precious LuLu. You are all a part of our family now. We (myself included)Love you so much.

Anonymous said...

Friend I'm finally leaving a comment!! (Thnx to u for the lesson last night) My heart rejoices as I let out another sigh of relief, and gratitude, for another successful step to Lu's recovery. I can't wait for Lu and Taydo to start riding lessons together, as horses are already part of their souls ;) You're an inspiration to all of your friends and to all of the "Lulu" followers near and far. We've all been touched, humbled and inspired to be better people, parents, friends, and spouses. Hugs and kisses to dear Lulu and to her amazing Moomie. Xoxo, Kath

Jo Lynn said...

I'm so so glad you got to hold her, i can't imagine going a week with out the snuggle time. Beautiful pictures Lizzie and wonderful posts about how she's doing. I'm so glad to hear everything looks perfect, poor little thing going through all she's going through. We love her and I enjoyed reading about her heart spiking cuz she loves sweet! She is in our prayers and it sounds like you were able to meet the donar family, what a blessing that would be to thank them personally! We love you guys, hang in there and keep us posted!

April said...

Prayers are being answered! Wonderful to hear! Smiles!

Sarah said...

oh, yay! what great news to wake up to this morning! i'm so glad she has a *perfect*, *beautiful* liver! :) of course, continued prayers as she continues her recovery... the kids almost never forget and her name is mentioned not just at bedtime prayers, but at every meal as well!

ALL 4 DYETS said...

I was so happy to hear the great news of Lu lu! My heart is filled with so much tender joy! I am thankful to know such an amazing women (mother) and such a miracle to have lu lu!

Cydnee said...

Giddyup, cowgirl! Was Cookie named after the Cuff horse? :)

I'm glad the surgery went well and that you finally have a liver to match all your other beautiful parts!

A and B Circus said...

So happy for you all!! We love to hear good news about Lulu. Keep it up Lulu!!

Uncle Ben

jessicalangprice said...

I love happy livers! Great news, and you look beautiful even pre-brushed ;). We pray for you guys every night and as I checked the blog today Kelsey saw it and said "Baby London, with lots of owies?" I said yeah, but they are getting better. :) We'll have to have the girls play when we are back in Utah and London is feeling up to it! LOVE THIS GOOD NEWS!

Michele said...

Oh what great news! You guys have been such great examples of strength and courage to us all. Prayers are answered and angels are indeed with London and your family. God Bless:)

Kristin said...
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Kristin said...

What a beautiful little girl. I'm so glad things went well yesterday. It was my pleasure to meet you. Thanks for sharing your story. We're routing for that happy liver!!!

Jenny said...

Hey Lizzie! I am so glad that everything went well with sweet Lulu's surgery. She is such a beautiful little precious baby! I just love her :) I hope you are doing well. I have been praying for you and your family and thinking about you a lot. I miss you sweetie. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you and your beautiful family. Love you, Jenny


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